Irreducable Mind

Neuroscientific Evidence: Irreducible Mind (Part 1)

Physicalist Arguments Debunked: Irreducible Mind (Part 3)

Hard Problem of Consciousness: Irreducible Mind (Part 2)

Quantum Biology: Irreducible Mind (Part 4)

Near Death Experiences: Irreducible Mind (Part 5)

Rebecca Newberger Goldstein - Is Consciousness Irreducible?

The Unsettling Truth about Human Consciousness | The Split Brain experiment that broke neuroscience

Interview with Ed Kelly re Irreducible Mind, Beyond Physicalism, and Consciousness Unbound - Part 1

Interview with Ed Kelly re Irreducible Mind, Beyond Physicalism, and Consciousness Unbound - Part 2

How Inspiring Philosophy Changed His Mind About Genesis

Tim Bayne - Is Consciousness Irreducible?

Irreducible Mind: Why the Current Paradigm is past its expiration date with Edward Kelly


What is consciousness? - Michael S. A. Graziano

Cosmos Café: Irreducible Mind

Interview with Ed Kelly re Irreducible Mind, Beyond Physicalism, and Consciousness Unbound - Part 3

The first life and irreducible complexity with Stephen Meyer

Max Tegmark - Is Consciousness Irreducible?

UNLOCK Your LIMITLESS Mind with Dr. Deepak Chopra

David Eagleman - How Free Will Probes Mind and Consciousness

David Bentley Hart - Mind and Spirit: The Irreducibility of Consciousness to Matter.

John Searle - Can Brain Explain Mind?

The Multiverse Hypothesis Explained by Neil deGrasse Tyson

John Searle - Solutions to the Mind-Body Problem?